Information and reservation
+33 (0)6 45 60 10 30
* every day from 9h to 19h

Home - Options - Group classes
Group classes
Training for all levels in small groups
The course only takes place with a minimum of 3 people registered
All courses last 1h00 and include warm-up and wind down
SCHEDULE DURING ISOLATION (until 20th of may 2020)
MONDAY 17.00 PM : Yin Yoga with Kelly
WEDNESDAY 17.00 PM : Strenght trainning I see more
THURSDAY 17.30 PM : Bodybalance or gentle workout I see more
FRIDAY 17.30 PM : Vinyasa yoga with Kelly
SATURDAY 11.00 AM : Cardio training (HIIT high intensity training)
Classes take place via the application ZOOM
This are live stream-fitness class than you can join from the comfort of your home.
Classes are interactive, and coaches give feedback in real time.
Private online classes are also available.
Plusieurs cours possible :
Cours de renforcement musculaire Cuisses Abdos fessiers I en savoir plus
Cours d'URBAN TRAINING I renforcement musculaire & cardio I en savoir plus
Cours de BodySCULPT I renforcement musculaire général I en savoir plus
Cours de YogaLATES I Pilates, Yoga, Stretching I en savoir plus